Monday, September 24, 2007

Dwarves Giants Wizards

In talking, I realized the perfect gift. You should have it, but it's...
Too much light for this, here, now
In looking, I have traced the great twisting roots, mapped with soot and soil,
Have looked each one of you in the eye
To try

But here in the beneath, by crusted let-goes and neverminds
I must seem like the lost cause
Your great steady steps plod like epochs from wise stern to venerable bow
And I crinkle and sweep within the crumpled deep

That I've found these trickle-lines between the curvature of stone and earth,
Does less to impress than I guess I'd figured.
When I give you my deepest grin
It's a safe and pleasant reminder of my genuine hope for us both
And you safely move away
With great intent to be wooed
On the horizon.

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