Sunday, January 13, 2008


"Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!" --Louis Tully, as Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer.

Each time I see this classic, I notice a little more, and the world it inhabits feels a little richer. When I was little, the most interesting parts, by far, were the ghosts. At six, I understood that the scenes in-between the ghost busting sequences were important, and I even enjoyed a lot of it, but it was when the film was earning it's keep as something called "Ghostbusters" that the really fascinating stuff was going on. That indescribably, but completely unavoidable charm of having a small team, all wearing a cool uniform, decked out with high-tech equipment and a crazy vehicle, going back and forth between their awesome base, and missions where they deal with out-of-this-world phenomena... It's Star Trek, it's Men in Black, it's The Justice League... it's genius. And there's a quiet beauty to having each of the uniformed bad-asses not quite be up to their own legacies. One's too nerdy to actually deal with real life, one's an excited little boy and can barely deal with how cool all of this is, and one is just too sardonic to believe any of it's real. When the setting and equipment is much cooler than the people who use it and deal with it, and yet when they still somehow manage to rise to their own shaky level of cool, you have something that's essentially... perfect.

Peter: Got your stick?
All: Holding.
Peter: Heat 'em up!
All: Smoking.
Peter: Make 'em hard!
All: Ready.
Peter: ...Strike!

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