Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'm an uncle!!!

Break out the pink cigars, I am now the uncle of a baby girl, born 9:30 (ish) pm in Longmont Colorado! Her names Sophie (I never heard if a middle name was decided), and she's healthy and happy and hungry.

...I gotta tell ya, this news knocked me on my ass. My sister's a mother! The idea that she even went through labor, that she's not totally exhausted, it's astounding to me! I've grown up with Clea, and I've seen her succeed and fail. I've known each stage of her life (obviously these last ones not so much), and I've loved her and hated her. So, this news to me is truly amazing. I mean, anyone can get pregnant and talk the talk of being a mother and knowing what they want to do, and just generally being an all-out adult. I can see my sister being able to take care of herself well thorugh nine months of pregnancy, and I can see it being sort of... about he rproving something to herself, and those around her. Because that's kind of how she is, sometimes. I love her a whole lot, but I have seen her take action, or live certain ways, considering what other people thought way too much. Not as if she would ever let someone keep her down, no, quite the opposite. Clea is all about making a statement to the world, and having that somehow move inward to her, and then define her. And why shouldn't pregnancy be the same way? Day at a time, it can't be so tough (I know I know, I don't have any clue what I'm talking about). But Clea went through labor! She pushed for two and a half hours! She fed her baby afterword, and she's up and talking to my parents, and walking to the bathroom! Not that I ever doubted her, I really didn't, and haven't. I know she's very storng and confident and awesome. But hearing that it happened--this baby that has been on our minds for three quarters of a year now--was born. And is real. And all that far off stuff I've only vaguely imagined, happened to my sister. The only other Boschert-Zielsdorf in the world (until the recent marriage, that is). It's fucking monumentous! I mean, that's a lot of real life hitting you (her) at once. That's mother nature's pain, and that's messy, moment of transition energy flyin' all over the place. I would have loved to be there. (But then again, I don't want to see the gross. You know what I mean.)

I can't celebrate fo' real until this weekend, but I am so uplifted right now. So in awe of... the perpetuatin' human drama, I guess. And so ready to love this kid. To watch her grow up. To be closer to this (semi) extended family than my aunts and uncles were to us when we were little. To be a fucking awesome uncle who sends bizzare articles from random parts of the world (a que I have taken from my uncle Gordie, who is awesome), and shows up to spread the zaniness.

I am so excited!! So join me in a toast or something, for little Sophie . May their lives be amazing together, and their adventures be real, and fulfilling. Godspeed!

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